It’s very hard to create an offer when you don’t really know who you are selling to. It’s even harder to communicate with prospects and keep their interest when you don’t know what grabbed their attention in the first place.
Building a customer avatar is an essential part of a marketing campaign. We have the whole course dedicated to identifying the ideal customer and in this article, I am going to release 3 basic rules.
Making it all about you is the biggest mistake for most entrepreneurs. It’s not about you, nor your product. All your business is the hero’s journey, where the hero is your customer.
That’s why getting clear on specific who you are trying to help is really powerful. To build a successful long-term relationship you need to know not only their sex, age, demographics, but really the issues they are having specifically.
This will help you craft offers & products based on your customer avatar’s life, professional experience, character, and features. You would also have enough information to create the content for your website or social media to attract new customers.
Something that you need to realize at an early stage: no one is buying your product. People buy the better future, the solution to their problem. Your product is just the tool.
A marketer’s job is to show a full understanding of individuals’ desires and obstacles on the way to their dream. You are here to help them build the bridge to a better future and walk across it. It's not easy, but it's designed.
There is usually one of two people: a person that used to be you meaning a younger version of yourself or a less mature version of yourself. We make purchase decisions when we find someone with whom we can connect. Who we look at and think “I could be like that person”. I can learn how to manage my time as well as he does, or lose 20lb, or write a selling copy, or build a website.
The story is the best way known to connect to your target audience. In Storytelling in the Digital Age Masterclass, we talk more detail about the art of storytelling. answer next questions:
How to tell your story online?
How not “feel dirty” after filming a sales video?
What tools work best in today’s digital marketing?
How one powerful story can change your entire business and maximize your profit?
How to get the right audience?
Sing up now and get access to James Cook Media case examples and to the Bonus Lesson about building your funnel!
© 2022 StoryMatters Academy
Join the StoryTelling in the Digital Age MasterClass and Schedule your 1 x 1-on-1 FREE Marketing Discovery Call to help you create your story that attracts your audience to invest in your product or service.