James Cook Media Blog

How to Use Visual Storytelling to Promote Your Brand

August 03, 20223 min read

Words are vital to a story, but one picture is worth a thousand words. What if we combine the word with the picture? Then the power of the story will be even stronger, as it will involve more senses and more emotions. And storytelling is about emotions.

Talking marketing, visual storytelling helps sell a product, make a brand memorable, strengthen the loyalty of existing customers and increase the reach of advertising campaigns. For example, a study has shown that the use of colorful visual content increases the likelihood of selling a product on the Internet by 80% compared to plain text.

In this article, you’ll learn about what visual storytelling is and see how a few images can dynamize and organize the content of the story.

What is a Visual Storytelling?

It is a story told through visual content. Videos, illustrations, infographics, animations, graphs, tables, etc. Visuals make it easier to engage, explain, or communicate your idea.

If a person only hears the information, after 3 days he will remember no more than 10% of the content. Add a relevant image to the experience, and memorability will increase by up to 65%. 

This is how our brain works. It loves pictures and videos, also stories. That’s why visual storytelling is the one to bet on in 2022.

What Tasks Does the Visual Storytelling Solve?

  • Reduces the time to comprehend the essence of the product. The less time a user needs to dive into the features of a new service, the better. It will be able to reach the target action faster.

  • Forms a strong bond with the audience. There is nothing better than a good story that gets into people's minds. They remember it and associate it with the brand. 

According to neuroscientist Uri Hasson, there is a phenomenon of “neural communication”:

“When we listen to a story filled with images, details, feelings, then at that moment the same area is involved in our brain as when experiencing and feeling these feelings in real life.”

  • Encourages to take the target action. When a user is told a story and has to press a button to end the story, most will make it to the end of the route. And then the business will get another client.

  • Allows you to create brand advocates. The deep emotional bond makes customers stick to the brand.

How Does the Visual Storytelling Work?

For the viewer to consider and digest your creative message, you need to use secondary attributes: composition, contrast, form language, rhythm, color, and light. All in order to interest the viewer emotionally, intellectually, and aesthetically.

Knowing how to visually communicate with the viewer, we can convey to him exactly THAT information, with exactly THAT emotional overtones that we need.

When creating a visual story for brand promotion, it is important to consider the following points:

  • The center of the story should not be the seller and the brand, but the buyer with his needs and interests;

  • It is necessary to sell not just a product or service but to offer the buyer a certain experience when using this product or service. You need to sell a “lifestyle”. Think Apple and Mercedes Benz. The secret is not in the product - it's in the lifestyle that these products create and enhance.

  • There must be some imperfection and vulnerability in the business story. Then it is easier for the buyer to feel trust and sympathy for your story.


The secret to storytelling is to make your story become their story—the story of each of your listeners. The “right” story will create an emotional connection between the customer and the brand, evoke a sense of ownership and empathy, and be the key to success.

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